During Session 4 of the Beth Moore Esther bible study Beth presented a "and if ____________then ___________ scenerio, for dealing with situations of fear in our lives. During small group I had expressed one of my fears and as soon as I felt it leave my mouth I knew it was a mistake. Sure enough I faced that very fear just a few nights later. I pulled out my bible study and began praying and going through the "and if" scenerios as they played out in my mind and soon I had pen in hand and was pouring my heart out unto the Lord in exhortation. Here is what I wrote:
The Lord is my helper and my shield, the Lord will remember me and bless me, both me and my children.
I love the Lord, he hears and answers my prayers. He bends down and listens as I pray. His mercy and grace endurath forever. He will never leave me nor forsake me. How amazing are the deeds of the Lord. How great is his loving kindness. Everything he does reveals his glory and majesty. His rightousness never fails. All he does is just and good. My rightousness is as filthy rags before him. Who am I that he is mindful of me. He has shown me great love and mercy though I deserved it not. How marvelous is the heart of God. Who can know how great is his love. His peace flows like a river and beyone my understanding. All I am and all I have is the Lords.
He flooded me with blessed assurance to know that as long as my trust and faith were in him alone I had no need to fear.
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