Today is the last day of high school football my son Tayler will ever play. Its very bittersweet. He turned 18 years old a couple days ago, he is a high school senior, running headlong into adulthood and its almost more than a mothers heart can bear.
When you carry that baby within you and dream so many dreams for it, you can never imagine the day that they will desire to leave you behind. It comes way to fast and I feel so unprepared. We've had many struggles in his desire for independence and they have left us at odds more than once but the love and pride I have in him and the person I know he will become is immeasurable. I placed him in the hand of God the moment I knew I was going to have him and I know regardless of the paths he chooses now or how far they seem from God....they will ultimately lead him back to the hand of God and his divine destiny for Taylers life. So, I will go to the game tonight, I will cheer my heart out and relish every moment of the clock ticking down and I will mark an end to this chapter and look forward to the next and every up and down it might bring as I see my sweet baby boy (my rebellious teenager) take another step toward becoming a man.
How to Install a Corkboard Wall
5 years ago
It's just wrong~~~~~I don't want him to grow up and be gone!